5 Grade 10 Math concepts to master for your exam

Ontario math exams are around the corner and sometimes it can feel like there is so much info to cover that it can be overwhelming to know where to start. At our Toronto math tutoring centre, we totally get it and that’s why we’ve put together a list of the most important concepts in MPM2D so that you can kickstart your study game with the topics that are sure to be on your exam!

1. Linear Systems

Mixture problems, distance-speed-time problems, rate of change…you know the drill! Linear systems involve working with equations and finding solutions that satisfy both of them. You'll learn various methods like graphing, substitution, and elimination to crack these systems wide open. Once you’ve got the process down, you’re going to love solving for x. Trust us; it's like solving a thrilling mystery!

2. Analytic Geometry

Time to unleash your inner math artist! Analytic Geometry lets you explore the beauty of shapes and their coordinates. Learn how to plot points on a coordinate plane and determine equations of lines. Dive into the world of slopes, intercepts, and distance formulas. Get creative with transformations and understand how they affect shapes on the plane. It's like a canvas waiting for your mathematical masterpiece!

3. Quadratic Functions

Welcome to the hottest topic in MPM2D: Quadratics! Quadratic functions are all about those U-shaped curves and the thrill of solving quadratic equations. Master the art of graphing parabolas and interpreting their properties. Understand the key elements like vertex, axis of symmetry, and x-intercepts. Practice solving quadratic equations using different methods like factoring, completing the square, and using the quadratic formula.

4. Trigonometry

Angles, triangles, and trigonometric ratios, oh my! Trigonometry is your ticket to understanding the relationships between angles and sides in right triangles. Dive into sine, cosine, and tangent and learn how to use these ratios to solve problems. Discover the wonders of the Pythagorean Theorem and trigonometric identities. Make SOHCAHTOA your bff! Whether you're measuring heights or navigating the world of circles, trigonometry has got your back!

5. Factoring

Factoring is our favourite F-word in Grade 10 math! Remember guys, choose your factoring method based on THE NUMBER OF TERMS YOU HAVE! Whether you’re using criss-cross or decomposition, finding the perfect square, common factoring, or factoring by grouping, remember to count the number of terms first and then factor accordingly.

So, there you have it guys - five of the hottest topics that will show up on your Grade 10 Ontario math exam. Make a list, get organized, tackle some practice problems - you’ve got this!

Vanessa Vakharia is the author of 𝑀𝒶𝓉𝒽 𝐻𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈 + 𝑀𝒶𝓉𝒽 𝐻𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈 𝟚 , the host of the Math Therapy podcast, and the founder of The Math Guru tutoring studio.


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