Grade 11 Math Tutor
Grade 11 math is one of our most popular tutoring requests! We can help deepen the foundations of the Ontario curriculum learned in grades 9 and 10, while expanding on the following grade 11 math concepts:
Exponential equations
Sequences & Series
Financial math
University/College preparation
We hate when tutoring websites don’t list their pricing, so we want to make sure you know that our hourly tutoring rate is $85/hour! :)
At The Math Guru, we help students actually understand the content AND feel genuinely excited about mastering it! We help students make sense of math and solve multi-step problems — without freaking out! More than anything, we go beyond the Ontario curriculum and help make math fun, approachable, and stress-free!
Benefits of Working with The Math Guru
Math tutoring at The Math Guru can revolutionize your child’s learning experience. Our highly-trained math tutors are carefully chosen to meet your child’s unique needs, while helping them build the confidence needed to take on new challenges. We consider ourselves matchmakers, because we are OBSESSED with helping you find your perfect tutor-soulmate!
We specialize in redefining tutoring by teaching the Grade 1-12 curriculum along with valuable life skills. Our diverse and experienced team is made up of math tutors who teach in a way that builds confidence, busts anxiety, and nurtures students’ unique learning styles.
We begin by determining your child’s needs and then create a customized learning plan that’s right for them. Once a proper foundation is set, we accelerate their progress through fun, engaging, and highly-personalized one-on-one lessons. Then, we deepen their learning by instilling test preparation strategies, study skills, and mental health practices that last a lifetime.
Our expert tutors can help with math for all grades, from Kindergarten to University prep. Get in touch to find out more!
Customized Math Tutoring That Builds Confidence, Relieves Anxiety, and Makes Math Fun!