5 Ways to raise kids who aren’t scared of math

This one goes out to all the parents, teachers & mentors who want to help kids feel great about math! The good news? Even if you feel blech about math, you can be a great mentor! In fact, your perceived math weakness IS your superpower, once you start seeing it that way!

Feeling great about math isn't JUST about mastering content. We all know kids who have nailed the content, but still feel meh about their math abilities. These 5 tips will help you be the best math mentor ever - regardless of how you personally feel about math!


1. Learn, teach & embody Growth Mindset principles

Growth Mindset is all about recognizing that we have the ability to grow our skill set as we progress through life. Teaching kids that their abilities are NOT fixed opens up the possibility that they actually CAN improve their math skills! Take a bit of time to familiarize yourself with Growth Mindset principles, and then share your findings with the kids you teach.


2. Celebrate failure

Math is ALL about making mistakes. In fact, making mistakes yourself can show kids that it’s okay to fail publicly and to ask for help! Talk to kids about times you've failed & what you learned, encourage kids to fail, CELEBRATE FAILURE (like, literally clap, make a cake, throw a party)!


3. Watch your language!

Negative self-talk is contagious. Avoid saying things like "I'm not a math person" & gently correct kids if they're mean to themselves (or others) when they make a mistake! Seriously, if you do ONE thing differently: ditch the term “math person” for GOOD. There is NO such thing as a “math person” - we are all capable of doing math!


4. Admit you don’t know

If you don't know the answer to a question, admit it! This shows kids that it's okay not to know something. Look up the answer together, or promise to figure it out & get back to them asap. There is so much value in showing kids that it’s okay to ask for help, so be the role model that you are - and model that behaviour!


5. Believe!

Kids can FEEL it if you believe in them. Start by truly believing, in your heart, that ANYONE can do math. If you believe it, so will they! If you believe in them, THEY will start believing in themselves!


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