5 Ways to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day

Teacher Appreciation Day happens every year on the first Tuesday that falls during the first FULL week of May, but let’s be honest: has there ever been a more important time to celebrate teachers than RIGHT now?! If, like many people, you JUST found out about this special occasion and are scrambling for ideas on how to show your fave teacher that you appreciate them: don’t worry - we’ve got you covered! Here are 5 ways to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Day.


1. Send flowers

Nothing says “I appreciate you” like fresh flowers! Grab some from your fave local & drop them off yourself, or try a same-day delivery service like Bloomex to get the scent of springtime delivered right to your fave teacher’s doorstep!

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2. Drop an appreciation post on social media

Let’s be honest, we all love a little public recognition. Since so many schools are now fully online due to Covid, posting about your fave teacher on social media allows them to feel celebrated among many, even from afar! Post an old photo, a lesson you learned from their class, or a quote they’re infamous for screaming at the top of their lungs:) A little goes a long way, so use social media to spread the teacher-love today!

3. Make a donation in their honour

We’ve all had that teacher who has taught us so much more than the curriculum content they were hired to teach. Maybe your fave teacher taught you the value of kindness, the importance of reducing your carbon footprint, or the benefits of helping BIPOC businesses get off the ground. Whatever the cause, consider making a donation to a charitable organization that would make your fave teacher’s heart melt, in their honour!

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4. Send a virtual gift card

Since many schools are closed, it might be hard to get your fave teacher a physical card or gift. But don’t worry, that’s what online gift cards are for. Tap into your teacher’s fave store online and find the “gift card” option. Seeing a little treat in their inbox is sure to brighten their day and is a super sweet to show your appreciation!

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5. Say thank you

Have you ever noticed that we’re a lot more vocal when we have something to complain about than something we feel grateful for? Expressing gratitude takes 1 minute and can change someone’s entire day. Log into your email, type your fave teacher’s address into the “To” field, and write something - anything - that expresses your gratitude for what an awesome human they are. If you’re feeling adventurous, use a free service like 123cards or Blue Mountain to send a colourful e-card! A little goes a lot way - just say Thank You. It’s as simple as that


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