5 Hacks to motivate you to do your math homework

One of the reasons that so many kids come to us for math tutoring, is that they need a boost of motivation when it comes to studying or doing homework! Sometimes our students know they need to do the work, but they just can’t self-motivate and that’s where tutoring comes in! Tutoring is about so much more than just teaching math and science, it’s about inspiring and motivating students to WANT to do the work needed to build confidence and boost their grades! Here are five techniques we teach our students to help motivate them to put in that extra effort in math class!

1. Find your why

Feeling unmotivated to study? Too low in energy for that homework? Take FIVE minutes and write down your top THREE reasons for doing it. “I want to get a better mark than last time.” “I want to be proud of myself.” “I want to show my frenemies that I’m smarter than they think I am.” Put your note where you can see it every single day. When you start thinking “This is so pointless!” or “Why am I even bothering?” LOOK AT YOUR NOTE and give yourself a motivational boosty-boost! 

2. Train like an athlete

It can seem like homework is pointless. But here’s the thing: everyone deals with boring stuff. Top athletes practice boring stuff over and over. It helps them win races and land triple Axels. Nobody just throws themselves in the air and does a backflip with ZERO practice! It takes hours, months, YEARS of squats and practice and training . . . but that’s what it takes to do the big stuff. Homework is like that too, but for your brain. Sometimes you need to do a hundred long division problems, or write your times tables fifty times in a row. But you’re building your math muscles just like an athlete builds their leg muscles. You ARE getting stronger, you just might not be able to see it — YET! 

3. Reward yourself

Just like you set aside “homework time” every day, set aside “reward time.” Celebrate doing that math homework you TOTALLY didn’t feel like doing, but did. Use your time to call your BFF, play outside or watch your favourite vids, whatever feels fun! Setting official “reward time” will give you something to get excited about! 

4. Shake it up

When things feel boring, SPICE IT UP! That means doing the things you have to do, but in a fun and different way. Do your homework on the balcony or in the backyard. Plan a unicorn study party. Try three practice questions right after breakfast. Wear your Halloween costume while studying. Work on a project while listening to your fave music and taking dance breaks. Do all your homework in different colours. Get weird, get wacky, and watch your motivation go from zero to SUPERHERO! 

5. Be your own pen pal

Everyone has good patches and bad ones. When you’re in a good mood, write your future “grumpy self” a letter! Think about what you would say to a friend who’s down on their work because they’re bored or sad. How would you cheer them up and get them going? Start by writing Dear [your name!] . . . and let your pep talk FLOW. Throw a few stickers or doodles on there, stuff it in an envelope addressed to yourself and stash it in a special spot. Next time you’re feeling blah about homework, open that letter and give it a read. You just became your very own pen pal pep talker! 

If you found these 5 tips useful, you’re in luck! For more math tips & hacks, order 𝑀𝒶𝓉𝒽 𝐻𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈 + 𝑀𝒶𝓉𝒽 𝐻𝒶𝒸𝓀𝓈 𝟚 on either Amazon or Chapters!


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