3 Ways to Change Your Child’s Relationship With Math This Summer

This past week, our founder, Vanessa Vakharia, did a virtual tour of CBC radio stations across Canada to share her 3 favourite tips for how to use the summer as a time to heal your child’s relationship with math. During the school year, the stress of homework, tests, and marks, often gets in the way of spending the time needed to actually help our kids build confidence and enjoyment around math. We’re usually so focused on content that we forget that confidence is JUST as important as content when it comes to setting kids up for success in math class. Here are our 3 fave tips for how to change your child’s relationship with math this summer!

1. Broaden your definition of what it means to "do math"

Problem solving, spotting patterns, reading maps, comparison shopping and packing car trunks for summer road trips are ALL math! The sooner you redefine what “math” actually means, the sooner you’ll start noticing how often you - and your kid - do math EVERY day!


2. Point out IRL math, every time!

Every time you spot your child doing math, point it out! Say something like: "hey! Do you realize that what you're doing is math and that you're good at it?!" Soon your child will start realizing that math doesn’t just happen in the classroom, and what’s more - it’s actually kind of fun! This past year, many kids have stopped associating learning with enjoyment. The good news? The summer is a GREAT time to point out that your kid is learning and mastering new concepts EVERY day, and that learning CAN be fun!

3. Change your language around math!

Take the term "math person" out of your vocab! It's a myth we need to stop perpetuating. Talk about math as something that everyone does and that everyone is capable of doing! Try to catch yourself when you’re about to say something negative about math. Remember that kids often learn to be anxious about math from adults in their lives, so stay positive, and start seeing where YOU - yes, YOU:) - might even excel at math yourself, now that you’ve broadened your definition of what it means to DO math (see Step 1)!

4. Know yourself

OK, I know I just told you to have fun while studying and I sincerely mean it. But come on, we can’t have SO much fun that NO work gets done. It’s important to strike a BALANCE when working so that you are PRODUCTIVE. This is where “knowing yourself” really comes into play. If you don’t study well with friends, don’t do it. Instead, make plans to meet up with your friends after you’re done studying alone. Can’t focus when there’s too much background noise? Find a quiet environment that allows you to pay attention to what you’re working on. Don’t know what works for you yet? Don’t worry. Figuring out what kinds of studying techniques are right for you takes time, be PATIENT!

5. Be kind to yourself

Being patient with yourself brings me to my final piece of advice. At TMG we believe it’s most important to be KIND to yourself. It’s really easy to beat yourself up over your schoolwork. Thoughts and feelings about not doing enough and needing to do more are likely to pass through your brain. Rather than thinking about what you NEED to do and what you HAVEN’T done, think about how much you have already checked off your to-do list. Studying and creating effective study habits take time, but trust me, they will come and so will the marks!


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